February intention: DEVOTION

When Inner Sun Alchemy gave me a 2018 astrology forecast, the first three months were about putting in the work.


Last month that meant building a foundation; laying the groundwork for success. I established a healthy amount of writing gigs ... you know, to get paid and stuff. I purchased a big girl camera so I can start creating some yoga videos. (I still need to buy a mic and figure out how to use the YouTube but stay tuned because it's really going to happen!) And I established a new routine as a mom/blogger/freelancer.

bullet journal

The foundation has been laid. Now, it's time to build.

Initially I chose "COMMITMENT" as my word for the month, but it sounded a little negative to me. It's probably a personal thing, I don't think it has a negative connotation to everyone. It just makes me think of relationship issues. Or something you'd see written over a big photo of sweaty abs at the gym.

Devotion - February intention

So I changed it to its friend "DEVOTION." Devotion sounds happy. Lovey (ahhh Valentine's Day). Religious, even.

Devotion definition

In my C2 yoga class we'll be focusing on forearm stand. We'll all be doing om-work each week — stretches and drills to help build up the flexibility and strength to find some variation of a forearm stand. 

forearm stand - pincha mayurasana

Off the mat I'll be focusing on creating. Putting more posts up here. Creating some videos ... my goal is to create my first YouTube video in February!

If there's anything you want to see — how to get into a pose, stretches for sore shoulders, etc. — please let me know! Send me a note or message me on Instagram.

It's not just work I'm devoted to. I'm also devoted to my family — my baby, of course. And my husband. After all, it's almost Valentine's Day and he's my boo.


I want to be all in. "Ardently dedicated and loyal" to the causes and people I care most deeply about. To me, being devoted means rising above mediocrity. It means pouring your soul into something.

It means work, but when the work aligns with your soul's purpose, it doesn't feel like a grind.

February, I'm in. Let's do this.