Getting out of a funk mindfully

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I could say that it’s because I’ve been busy, but that’s just the story we tell ourselves when we haven’t prioritized something.

The truth is, I have been in kind of a funk and haven’t felt inspired to write.

I’m uninspired, unmotivated, eating a lot of candy and pizza and feeling icky and down. Which is OK.

As yogis, we strive to live a mindful life. That doesn’t mean we don’t get in funks. It happens to everyone. The difference is how we approach it. I’m not attached to this funk. When I find myself attaching — thinking that this is who I am — I have built enough awareness to acknowledge and take a step back.

This is a thing I’m going through. This thing isn’t me.

By detaching in this way it’s easier to take action. I’m making rational choices to get myself out of it. Here are the things I’m doing:

  • Diet — Detoxing. Slowly cleaning up my diet (compassionately) and reducing coffee/caffeine.
  • Alcohol — Limiting my drinking. When I’m in a funk, being under the influence only exaggerates those feelings.
  • Movement — Making an effort to move every day. A walk, run, yoga practice, anything that gets me going.
  • Sleep — Prioritizing sleep and going to bed earlier. Being tired also intensifies my funk.

I mentioned compassion in the diet portion, but that’s woven throughout all of these. I have a tendency to beat myself up (don’t we all?). If I say “I’m going to eat 100% clean, eliminate all alcohol, run 8 miles/day and sleep 8 hours/night,” I’m setting myself up for failure and only digging myself deeper into the funk.

Yesterday, for example, I was excited about my clean foods. I made my green smoothie, packed all my food for the day and was ready to trade in candy for spinach and coffee for green tea. And then I had coffee. And last night I ate hashbrowns and dried mangoes coated in sugar.

I didn’t fail. Compared to the pizza and handfuls of candy corn I’ve been shoveling in my mouth, yesterday was a huge improvement. Compassion.

The only person who can get us out of a funk is ourselves. My husband is loving and supportive and says all the right things. But he can’t get me out of it. That’s up to me.

Maybe it’s the moon. The change of the seasons. The election. I’m not sure what’s causing this funk but I know I’ll get out of it. We always get out of it.

If you're in a similar place, know that you're not alone. Know that only you can get yourself out of it. And know that you will.

This is a thing I’m going through. This thing isn’t me.