Transformational Yoga: 5 tips to deepen your practice in 2016 {Elephant Journal}

Ask any devout yogi, and they’ll likely tell you that their yoga journey has been transformational.

Me included.

It began with a regular attendance at the yoga studio. Once a week became twice a week became every day. Sometimes twice. Soon the studio became my second home and I decided to take the next step and become a yoga teacher. 

As my practice deepened, so too did my yoga pants drawer. I started using more organic products, patchouli-scented oil and wearing mala beads and shirts that said things like “Namaste”. 

I dig mala beads. I would exclusively wear yoga pants if I could (I almost do). Especially ones with crazy patterns on them. 

That’s the transformation my friends have seen. But the real transformation was going on inside. And it still is.

As we begin 2016, many of us are hungry for change. And whether you’re a devout yogi or you are feeling drawn to the studio, you might find yourself on your mat, seeking this change. You too might become a yoga studio regular and get swept up in fun yoga pants and patchouli. But I urge you, whether or not you transform outwardly, to shift your focus inward. 

It’s OK to want yoga pants and abs. I like those things, too. But often when we want things in the physical realm, it stems from a desire to transform into someone we believe others want us to be rather than transforming into who we truly are.

We want to fit in; to belong. A sense of belonging is important. But so is a sense of self-worth. So is self-awareness and self-love. So is peace. Ahh, peace.

Which would you rather have: Abs or peace? Mala beads or a sense of purpose? When you look in the mirror, would you rather see hot yoga pants or someone you know and love deeply?

 Read the rest on Elephant Journal 
