Yoga with weights? Yeah, it's a thing.


I spent last weekend learning how to teach Yoga Sculpt — a class at CorePower Yoga that involves weights.

I dig weights and yoga, so I was intrigued. However I must admit I was a bit skeptical, as these two practices serve me in very different ways. Combining them? I just wasn't so sure. 

What's Yoga Sculpt?

Yoga Sculpt is a flow-style class in a heated room with (optional) weights. Typically each student has two sets of dumbbells: a lighter pair (3-5 lbs) and a heavier pair (8-10 lbs).  

It begins with some sun salutations without weights, and then weights are incorporated to add more intensity. 

After sun salutations, it gets funky. In a good way.  

It's like HIIT, Circuit Training and Yoga combined. Squats, biceps curls, jumping jacks, warrior II, chair pose ... did I say squats?  

We didn't practice in a heated room and I was dripping in sweat. It's intense. And so much fun. It's a music-driven class, and the group energy combined with upbeat music makes you push yourself.  

Besides being a fun time, this class has benefits for yogis and non-yogis alike.  

For yogis: It balances out your practice

Yoga is more than stretching. I attribute my triceps to yoga. That being said, yoga does (for the most part) exclude a couple of muscle groups: Biceps and chest. Yoga Sculpt targets these areas to help balance out your yoga practice.

For non-yogis and Type A's: It introduces you to yoga

Like I said ... yoga is more than stretching. But some Type A's just want to move. They want to lift things. They want to sweat buckets. Trying to get them in a studio is a struggle (even though they are the ones who really need yoga). This class makes you move and sweat and work out and is a great way to introduce yoga to someone who might not otherwise make their way to a studio.

For everyone: It's a stellar workout

After taking (six?) classes over a four-day period, I was feeling all the muscles. It felt nice. This workout is intense but fun (so it doesn't feel intense at the time). 

Yoga Sculpt

What Yoga Sculpt isn't

For me personally, yoga sculpt isn't meditative. It's a workout. A fun one. And I'd say it's a mindful workout, since there is still focus on breath and intention-setting. But don't expect any advanced pranayama, om-ing, gongs or incense in this class. 

Yoga Sculpt is coming to Kansas City!

This fall, CorePower Yoga will be opening in the Country Club Plaza. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer. Come give it a try and sweat with me! It will be fun. :) 

Speaking of fun ... here are a couple photos from the Kansas City teacher training. (These moves aren't part of the class.)